The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Released
Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero…
Everything Superman and much more!
Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero…
Superman Family Adventures, A New Comic Book By DC ,written by Art Baltazar and art by Franco, will hit stores near you in May 2012. Before that fans can get…
Lego will release a line of DC Universe Super Heroes figures and playsets in January 2012 (Sorry, not in time for the holidays!). For Superman fans there's a "Superman vs.…
Hitting Newstands next Wednesday (December 14) "If you’re a spandex salesman, 2012 is going to be your year! Supes returns in The Man Of Steel, Andrew Garfield dons a brand…
Official Announcement: "Earth’s greatest super heroes face foes on all fronts – using a plan initiated from within – in the all-new Justice League: Doom, the next entry in the…
A Sequel to 2009's LEGO Batman has been known since the summer, around the time LEGO and DC Comics (and Marvel) were revealing their plans for more super heroes in…
Not since "Seinfeld" have we really seen Superman semantics on Television.. Foolish Sheldon! We all know from "All-Star Superman" that flying into the Sun actually would eventually kill the Man…
Bryan Q. Milller, story editor and writer on the CW series, says that ‘Smallville’ might have more stories in it yet. Miller has picked up the idea of continuing ‘Smallville’…
I've tried to hold my tongue on this story because Mom always says "If you have nothing nice to say…" but this guy is STILL making the news for the…
As reported earlier this week, a rare and pristine copy of the first issue of Action Comics went on auction. Famed for the first appearance of Superman, it just set…