“Super Unofficial” Chapter 1: Convictions
"Superman: The Unofficial Web Series" is a twelve episode, unofficial superhero web series created by SuperUnofficial.com. The story of Superman, the Man of Tomorrow, and his daily struggles to balance…
Oh NO! Clark got stuck in the Phantom Zone Again!!
Just kidding! It's just the release of the mega huge DVD set of seasons 1-9 of Smallville Details on the extras below on what to expect from the latest DVD…
Ashton Kutcher: The Man of Steel?!
During the press junket for his recently released film "Killers," Kutcher told MTV News that not only did he audition for the role of DC's Man of Steel, he actually…
Editorial for the day
What would cause Superman to drink like this?? Have you considered the fact that both his parents are dead, he's the last of his kind because his home planet exploded,…
Smallville, Season 10, TV Spot Released by the CW
Just clips from last season but I think it looks like fans may get their wish about the costume in Season 10! Yes? No?
Christopher Nolan Talks Batman 3 And Superman!
In this months issue of Empire, Christopher Nolan talks about his latest movie Inception. But he also briefly mentions his much discussed but rarely quoted involvement with the Superman reboot…
DVD cover art image for “Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season”.
After a meteor shower bursts from the heavens, raining destruction on the unsuspecting citizens of Smallville, years pass, and the healing process leaves the town's inhabitants with scars and secrets.…
Speaking ‘unofficially’, I’m not all that impressed.
"Superman: The Unofficial Web Series" is a twelve episode, unofficial superhero web series created by SuperUnofficial.com. The story of Superman, the Man of Tomorrow, and his daily struggles to balance…
Season 10 Hints From The CW and Tom Welling
During the CW Upfronts, Tom Welling was interviewed and give some hints about how the last season of Smallville could be. Read carefully, between lines… Q: Can you tease anything…